Usually, if something gets off the ground in the great conservative bastion of Texas, it spreads to other like minded states. What could be the reason that Rick Perry would attempt to wipe Philosophy and critical thinking oriented classes off the curriculum other than to suppress peoples ability to question "authority" figures.
What a ploy like that stinks of is a theologically totalitarian government... Something that I see secretly hiding in not all, but a few conservatives. I have heard, "Christianity should be the only allowed religion, and those that don't like it can go home." (I live in the western areas of Fort Worth, Tx....Verrrrrrry Conservative)
Another thing this smells of is the dark ages, where the church had absolute authority and anyone that questioned it must be a heretic(see modern Liberal).
If there is no philosophy, there is no progress, as every single branch of the scientific world started with a philosopher wondering, "why does this work, how does it do it, can I duplicate this.." People should always emulate the child in their insatiable curiosity. Too often now, both Liberals and Conservatives alike hear a passing news story about the opposition, blow it out of proportion, and get into an immature bicker fest for which there really are no winners, only loosers. You need to keep asking, "Why? How can I trust this news source? How often do they publish erroneous reports? How often have they been accused of stretching the facts?" Once you answer this, go in search of new sources and compare the stories from one agency to the next. Absorb their views, but do not emulate it. Listen to both Liberals and Conservatives.
I am a Liberal, and just spent the past two hours reading the headlines in the politics forum of FoxNews and Breitbart, the two most conservative forces on the web. I do this so I can understand my opponents and their motivations. I believe conservatives really should do the same, but don't turn on MSNBC with the intention to insult everything, just watch, listen, absorb their side of things, then make a calculated decision based on both sides.
If we all did this, I think we'd have a bit more peace when a Conservative speaks about Liberals, and vice versa.