Thursday, December 13, 2012

A world without Liberals..

Without Liberals, America would not retain a "free-thinking" trait, hence, if it goes against corporate America or the Government, it will be crushed immediately.

Without Liberals, the rights of men will be forgotten in favor of only what's best for white America. The minorities, despite composing an ever greater percentage of the population, will be condemned in any way possible.

Without Liberals, progress will slow to a crawl. Scientific institutions will not exist, as a great deal of America's brightest are self-described Liberals.

Without Liberals, corporations will become far more powerful than anything imaginable today. They will run, unrestricted, due to the destruction of the EPA and other regulatory agencies. The worker will be subject to a much more powerful ruling class.

Without Liberals, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, Welfare, Food stamps, Unemployment and Obamacare would cease to exist. If you loose your job, you wind up on the street. The numbers of homeless Americans would rise to all time heights without a "security blanket" if shit happens.

Without Liberals, the freedom of the internet would be over quickly, as SOPA would pass without resistance. Anything and everything that is currently "Free" would cost $$$. Speaking out over the internet will be seen as treasonous, and those individuals, whom's rights have been stripped away, will be imprisoned for going against doctrine.

Without Liberals, the art world in America would be almost non-existent. Without culture, society would turn to the only form of entertainment society would have to offer, which would be the limited works of Hollywood, and the displays put on by the churches.

Without Liberals, homosexuals would be imprisoned for just existing, or subjected to incredibly cruel "gay cure" camps. Suicides among teenagers would rise to all time heights as there is nobody out there to hear their story, to help them see other avenues and to give hope.

Without Liberals, the world quickly races towards, at least for America, a second dark age of scientific repression and theologian dominated government.

If you would love to see us disappear, this is the world you will be left with. Not too pretty is it?