It is a dark day for all when the common man finds that his voice is destined to be unheard; as, most already know, the masses only listen to those that speak the most accepted "truths." When a bold soul unleashes a torrent which could contain a strict adherence to the facts, if that person does not bend some of his message so that the uneducated can relate, it is said to be liberal rantings. Sometimes those with no interests in the common man take an interest in them to further their own goals. Unfortunately, for the younger liberal and those of the "Occupy" movement, few of those that have taken an interest have really contributed in any tangible way. It is going to take someone who has lived on the bottom and tasted what such a life can do, to lead this movement. Despite fitting the description, I am not volunteering for this post, but I am interested in helping the movement find some traction in the one place where it could make a difference, in Congress. To protest a rather harsh bill Congress was considering, a number of prominent websites spanning the globe blackened their main screens or prevented access to their files. What needs to happen is for the common man to stand up for what is right and protest the very system which keeps him hovering above the poverty line by attacking those at the top the only way that is possible, by halting all production, thus dropping the stock price almost instantly. Instead of having separate organizations spread out loosely among the various cities that support the movement, a single unifying message needs to be sent out to unify all those that stand for change. With the strength of the media, it should not be a difficult task to devise a single site with a single message daily that could be as simple as a countdown.
Tick Tock the Clock does go, for all those that hear this liberal signal, let the future hold that I will never go quiet in this most unsettling of times. I am one who has tasted the power of this government, as I have been struck down by it, whipped into submission, tortured by poverty, stripped of honor by the banner of the law, but still I gladly offer my sincere words, "I stand with everyone!"
Now that you know my stand, I must confess, I would love to see a countdown begin for a day of action or inaction. Take your pick, if you choose action, I would hope that you would select an activity that gives protest towards a common goal, albeit in a peaceful way; or, two, you choose to inactive, thus you contribute far more than those that travel down the first route. By being inactive, you halt all production within your company, thus forcing a shutdown of operations, which works to cripple the stock prices. The only way such a tactic could work is if this countdown begins a "black-cat" effect. Once the countdown reaches 0, a string of companies experience the effects of the movement. A day of normalcy passes, then another wave of shutdowns occur. Then, another day passes, followed by a day of uncertainty within all markets. This needs to draw people from every major entity in order to work correctly.
As great as all this sounds, there is a reason for doing it. This is to shock the corporate system into dividing their payroll accounts a little more evenly and focusing on the employees rather than the shareholders. If the shareholders pull out of a company, it dies. If the employees pull out of a company, the shareholders take the greatest hit, and still, the company dies. If the markets nationwide were hit all at once, with a trickle down effect around the world, then no investor, or shareholder would be safe. The employee, those that keep the gears turning through their backbreaking work for those standing above them, will become the most important aspect of the company oncemore, or in some instances, for the first time ever.
Again, this has been the liberal signal, and there will be much more to come!
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