Monday, October 29, 2012

How to get an unbiased viewpoint...

Anyone that ever tries to say, "this source is unbiased" is not lying, they just don't realize that every organization carries anywhere from a small amount to an overly visible bias.  Take FoxNews and MSNBC, both represent opposite ends of the spectrum.  On the left, you have MSNBC, depending on the political climate CNN can be center-right or center-left, and FoxNews is obviously on the right.  So, how do you truly find a source that offers very little in the way of opinion?

Usually you must find a source out of a location where American politics aren't really a priority.

This means these sources can be used:
BBC, NHK, RT, Al Jazerra English

If someone on the right wants to gather the TRUE Liberal opinion, don't watch FoxNews or listen to "Rush" to get it.  Actually watch "Liberal media" as you call it.  If you are strong enough in your convictions, watching it will only do one thing, let you hear the unfiltered liberal positions to base your arguments on.  When I hear about a controversial, to liberals, issue that Republicans are pushing, I watch FoxNews to get their perspective.  Next I seek an outside source, like the BBC, to get as much "Fact" on it as possible, as being biased either right or left kills the trust needed to accept facts from the likes of FoxNews and MSNBC.

I think anyone that says "Conservative" or "Liberal" media is useless needs to step back and look at its possible benefits instead of only focusing on negatives.
I am confident enough to say that Obama has his problems, as everyone does, Romney included, but my faith in him is through his acts, which I have referenced and cross-checked to verify the truth.  Republicans like to fact check Democrats and vice versa; however, rarely though does one do an in-depth study on the candidate their party stands behind.  How many of you have honestly used the great resources of the internet or a public library and studied Mitt Romney?

I think if you are standing behind someone, you should know everything about that man.  If you are liberal, you should do the exact same with Obama.  Go study him, listen to every viewpoint and disseminate the truth through the "facts" that are repeated over and over in different places.  Don't take the word of a solitary source.

Nuff Said

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